Raise or Fold:  Learning (From) Poker

Writing and playing poker as if they were activities worth doing well.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The End of An Era

Suddenly, but not entirely unexpectedly, the Commissioner and Treasurer of my A League have resigned. The A League has fallen on hard times lately: not enough games, not enough enthusiasm amongst the participants, and a shortage of folks willing to host. The steam has gone out of the enterprise, and internecine squabbles and personality conflicts have also taken their toll. I will, however, always be grateful to the A League for giving me a venue to learn how to play tournament poker for actual cash stakes, and I'll miss the routine of playing in a well-organized group. I am also confident that the friendships I've made amongst these players will endure.

In other breaking news, my B League hosted a small impromptu tourney last night and I won it. Not a whole lotta cabbage, but welcome nonetheless. I attribute it to the knitting I brought with me.

Finally, an important note: Blogger is discontinuing support for FTP publishing, which is what I use to host my blog on my server. As of May 1, all of us FTP users have to either migrate to Blogger/Google's servers or switch blogging software. Since I have no desire to have all of my writing at the mercy of Goo-we're-only-a-little-evil-gle, I will be migrating to a WordPress blog. This will cause disruptions. The painstakingly crafted design will probably evaporate. The RSS feed may change names. My archives may disappear, although I am working hard to avoid that.

If you want to keep following this blog, I recommend that you make sure your bookmark for my site is the canonical URL:
The next version, however (temporarily I hope) lame, will appear at that address.

Thanks so much for following along with me!

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Blogger gadzooks64 said...

I was thinking about going to Word Press for my blog. I ended up migrating all my posts and even worked on my theme over there.

The killer was not being able to embed flash video unless I was hosting the site myself or was willing to pay extra for plugins.

All in all, Word Press is a very nice program. I'm just too cheap to pay for it.

I think you will like it there.

4/28/10, 2:59 PM  
Blogger PAPro_SandMan said...

I'll definitely follow you there.

4/30/10, 1:08 PM  
Anonymous Benny said...

hmmm... interesting post!
Well done for winning the B league!
I look forward to the Wordpress move
(and maybe seeing your knitting)
keep posting!

5/2/10, 4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wanted to email you this, but could not find your email address listed anywhere on your website. So, this comment section is the only place I could find to ask you some questions...

I'm planning my WSOP trip for 2010 and recall that in 2009 you had some good results in the side cash games at the RIO(2-5NL).

Are the 2-5 NL games really uncapped??? That is, isn't there a max buy in for these games? What are the average stack sizes that people have in these games. Is there much action during the mornings and afternoons on weekdays?

Thanks in advance,

5/22/10, 4:44 PM  

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